Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Digital Newspapers, the Future?

(Start clip at 1:34 to see digital Newspaper) With all the talk about the future of newspapers, I thought about another part of the Minority Report where a man is shown reading a digital newspaper that looks disposable and receives the latest news up-dates automatically. Maybe that is the future of newspapers. Who knows, but thinking about it Minority is a kick ass movie with so many cool ideas. So check it out!!

Future of Advertising

The future of media and advertising made me think of the Minority Report. A movie set in the future that has so awesome idea about what things will be like; like transportation, entertainment, and advertising. This clip shows a ad directed at one specific person made possible by an eye scan identification.

The Future of Media

I think the true future of Media is unimaginable, but I think it will become an even bigger part of our lives (if that’s possible) as time passes. Personally, I think it will probably be real annoying. For example, Advertising will probably target us in every situation possible and get really over whelming. It will be interesting to see what happens to the internet; if it stays a free open forum or become regulated somehow. We shall see.

Apocalypse Now

Francis Ford Coppola's film Apocalypse Now is one of the craziest movies I know of. It’s intense and has been parodied many times. Martin sheen does a really good job as the lead. Far for the West Wing which, I don’t know about you guys, but it bores the crap out of me.

The Departed

This is The Departed. It’s one of Martin Scorsese’s recent films. I really enjoyed it, maybe even more than Goodfellas. One thing I thought was really cool about this movie is that it’s the first movie I know of in which cell phones are an integral part of the story and the movie wouldn’t have really worked the same way without cell phones.

Free Posts

I thought since there aren't any guidelines here, i would continue to do some posts on movies that i really like. i'll probally do another Martin Scorsese. I don't know about anybody else, but i think there were alot of good movies made in the 1970's.

Taxi Driver

This is another one of my favorite movies. Taxi Driver showed how a disturbed man is displayed as a hero in the press. Robert De Niro is really intense in this movie. Not to mention NYC during this time.

Deer Hunter

This is the trailer to one of my all time favorite movies; Deer Hunter. This also happens to be one of my favorite trailers. I think this movie really established Robert De Niro as the one of the best living actors and is the best Christopher Walken performance , except may in At Close Range.


Personally I love movies. I think there a great form of art. From Adam Sander’s stupid comedies to movies that changed the way I think about things like the pledge or deer hunter I love them all. I remember my dad taking me to see Jurassic Park in theaters when I was like 4 years old (way to young) but I loved it.

One Man's Take on the Internet

Funny, Artistic take on the internet, viral videos, and general on-line culture. It’s funny but pretty cool and there’s an interesting message in the video. Curious to see if you interpret it the same as I did.

The Internet Enables Democracy

This guy really backs up my claim on the last post. He explains why the internet enables democracy. Very relevant to this discussion!

Internet and Democracy

I think the internet is an amazing tool to insure a state of democracy. It allows people to communicate faster and more efficiently than ever before. It creates countless open forums for anyone around the world to discussion anything, including the important issues. It seems like almost everyone has a computer, or at the very least access to one, so pretty much anyone can be a watch dog. The internet is vital to the future of democracy.