Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Digital Newspapers, the Future?

(Start clip at 1:34 to see digital Newspaper) With all the talk about the future of newspapers, I thought about another part of the Minority Report where a man is shown reading a digital newspaper that looks disposable and receives the latest news up-dates automatically. Maybe that is the future of newspapers. Who knows, but thinking about it Minority is a kick ass movie with so many cool ideas. So check it out!!

Future of Advertising

The future of media and advertising made me think of the Minority Report. A movie set in the future that has so awesome idea about what things will be like; like transportation, entertainment, and advertising. This clip shows a ad directed at one specific person made possible by an eye scan identification.

The Future of Media

I think the true future of Media is unimaginable, but I think it will become an even bigger part of our lives (if that’s possible) as time passes. Personally, I think it will probably be real annoying. For example, Advertising will probably target us in every situation possible and get really over whelming. It will be interesting to see what happens to the internet; if it stays a free open forum or become regulated somehow. We shall see.

Apocalypse Now

Francis Ford Coppola's film Apocalypse Now is one of the craziest movies I know of. It’s intense and has been parodied many times. Martin sheen does a really good job as the lead. Far for the West Wing which, I don’t know about you guys, but it bores the crap out of me.

The Departed

This is The Departed. It’s one of Martin Scorsese’s recent films. I really enjoyed it, maybe even more than Goodfellas. One thing I thought was really cool about this movie is that it’s the first movie I know of in which cell phones are an integral part of the story and the movie wouldn’t have really worked the same way without cell phones.

Free Posts

I thought since there aren't any guidelines here, i would continue to do some posts on movies that i really like. i'll probally do another Martin Scorsese. I don't know about anybody else, but i think there were alot of good movies made in the 1970's.

Taxi Driver

This is another one of my favorite movies. Taxi Driver showed how a disturbed man is displayed as a hero in the press. Robert De Niro is really intense in this movie. Not to mention NYC during this time.

Deer Hunter

This is the trailer to one of my all time favorite movies; Deer Hunter. This also happens to be one of my favorite trailers. I think this movie really established Robert De Niro as the one of the best living actors and is the best Christopher Walken performance , except may in At Close Range.


Personally I love movies. I think there a great form of art. From Adam Sander’s stupid comedies to movies that changed the way I think about things like the pledge or deer hunter I love them all. I remember my dad taking me to see Jurassic Park in theaters when I was like 4 years old (way to young) but I loved it.

One Man's Take on the Internet

Funny, Artistic take on the internet, viral videos, and general on-line culture. It’s funny but pretty cool and there’s an interesting message in the video. Curious to see if you interpret it the same as I did.

The Internet Enables Democracy

This guy really backs up my claim on the last post. He explains why the internet enables democracy. Very relevant to this discussion!

Internet and Democracy

I think the internet is an amazing tool to insure a state of democracy. It allows people to communicate faster and more efficiently than ever before. It creates countless open forums for anyone around the world to discussion anything, including the important issues. It seems like almost everyone has a computer, or at the very least access to one, so pretty much anyone can be a watch dog. The internet is vital to the future of democracy.

Friday, February 27, 2009

When TV Goes Wrong

I think some of the best TV happens when things go wrong. These are some lilarious moments from the history of TV.

Watch the Bill O'reilly Part on this one. 0:51. Really funny!

Leave it to Beaver

I guess this is what TV was like in the 50's. It's not bad, I think it's entertaining. Everything seemed so innocencent on TV during that time. May there were only a couple channels to choose from back then, but the shows on the few channels seemed pretty good. And maybe people not being expoxed to all some of the worse shows we have today was worth the small variety. I doubt it, but it's a thought.

Color TV!!!

I Don't Speak German, but this video's description says that is is that start of color TV in Germany 1967. Pretty funny stuff. It's crazy how far technology has come. Cell phones have more power those gaint TV's ever did. I wonder what of technology future generations will have to compare our cell phones.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Future of Radio

Interesting commentary on the relationship between satellite and traditional radio. They describe it as a “radio war,” but I don’t see why satellite radio and terrestrial radio can’t exist together. I don’t think that everyone is going to be willing to pay a subscription to radio. Even if the content is better with satellite radio, you can’t beat the price of traditional radio.

Hitler’s Last Broadcast Speech

This is Hitler’s last broadcast speech on January 30th, 1945. Another historic example of the importance of radio five years after Chamberlain’s declaration of war, this radio broadcast captured the voice of one of the most influential dictators in the 20th century, allowing us a great deal of insight into a period of history that shaped the world we live in today.

Importance of Radio

I think this video of Prime Minister Chamberlain’s declaration of war on September 3rd 1939 is a good example of the importance of radio. Without this broadcast the people of Britain could have never heard directly from their Prime Minster, the explanation of his unavoidable choice to declare war against Germany.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Shark 'Photo of the Year' Is E-Mail Hoax"

Here's a cool story in National Geographic about a fake picture which was spliced from two real pictures. Each picture is pretty cool on it's own, but together they're unbelievable.

These are the two original pictures, and then the spliced hoax version. This is a good example of how pictures can be drasticly photoshopped. The appilcations to media bias are endless.

An Examination of Palestinian Journalism: Pallywood

This video suggests that Palestinian journalists stage scenes of Israeli-Palestinian violent conflicts to advance their political ideologies. Interesting, but some of the examination of the videos seems less than 100% convincing.

Youtube description- “The term "Pallywood" refers to the staging of scenes by Palestinian journalists in order to present the Palestinians as hapless victims of Israeli aggression. They are able to succeed in this endeavor in large part due to the credulity and eagerness of the Western press to present these images, which reinforce the image of the Palestinian David struggling valiantly against the overpowering Israeli Goliath. Pallywood has led to astonishing lapses in Western journalistic standards in which badly staged scenes regularly appear on the news as "real events."
For those interested in an in-depth look into how propaganda is really produced and created, this is a must see.”

Who's being Biased

According to honestreporting.com this picture was published July 27, in the New York Times. Apparently, the times ran a caption saying that the civilian was dead which according to this honestreporting.com he was actually alive. honestreporting.com also suggests that the event which the photograph was taken was a some kind of a rescue mission not a Israeli attack. The website seems a sort of sketchy. Maybe it’s the honestreporting.com that is being bias. Check out the article to decide for yourself. Scoll down about 1/4 of the page to see this part.

Friday, January 30, 2009

McDonalds Using Subliminal Advertising?

I just thought this video about McDonalds using subliminal advertising on Iron Chef was hilarious. Not sure how flashing a McDonalds emblem would benefit the company. It’s not like we haven’t seen the McDonalds sign a million times before, but I still think the idea is pretty funny.

More On Super Bowl Ad's

This article provides an interesting, and pretty funny examination of super bowl ad’s. The super bowl maybe the only time people really give all their attention to commercials and apparently it’s worth it to advertisers who pay $3 million per 30 second spot. Super Bowl Commercials Still Pouring It On-from the Boston Herhald

Super Bowl = Super Commercials

Since we are constantly smothered with advertising, which can get pretty annoying sometimes especially when the TV gets really loud when commercials start, I thought I would focus on the positive side of advertising by showing one of the more entertaining commercials made for the up-coming super bowl.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Newspaper Bail Out

This clip shows a debate over whether newspapers should be bailed out or not. Pretty interesting discussion. I thought the host of the show was pretty simplistic in his argument.

Are Newspapers Worth Saving?

Maybe this is the Future of Newspapers

This clip gives an idea of how people might read newspapers in the future. If people subscribe to newspapers digitally, the newspaper business might be more profitable than it is today using traditional paper distribution while also maintaining the same level of professionalism and integrity. Seems like a good solution to the problem the newspaper industry is having now.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Future of Newspapers

The newspaper industry seems to be heading away from the traditional newspaper delivery system to an on-line system of distribution. Some people seem to think that the advent of more independent, interactive social forms of news such as blogs and independent websites, will lead to the end of the newspaper industry. However, it’s clear that blogs other new sources for news aren’t held up to the same standards or produced at the same level of professionalism as traditional newspapers. I think most people know this and demand the higher standards that newspapers provide. So I think that the way that the newspaper industry gets information to people will change, but I don’t think the industry will disappear. Newspapers are in the information business not the printing information on paper business. It’s like a company that makes drills, they’re in the business of making holes, not drills. So if the technology of making holes changes the company should change too. As the old business saying goes, “Make holes, not drills.” In other words, adapt to changes in the market and be in the business that your service provides, not in the business of the technology that currently makes that service possible. I think if newspapers realize this soon enough and take the appropriate actions, they’ll be ok. But I’m not sure what the future of newspapers will be; maybe limited newspaper delivery, accompanied by on-line and RSS feeds to e-readers and other hand-helds.

Here are a couple links to articles about the future of newspapers.

The Economist: Who Killed the Newspaper?

Time: Extra: Newspapers Aren’t Dead

Time: A new Model from Detroit

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Media Ownership

This clip covers the diversity of media ownership. It brings up the point that even big conglomerates which own many media outlets might profit from representing a variety of views which seems to be a retort to the claim that conglomerates produce a unified agenda. Still, it seems sketchy that conglomerates have so much control of different media sources to me.

Media bias

This is a good example of confusion and bias in the media. CBS news altered an interview of John McCain to cover up a mistake in McCain’s speech. I think this kind of manipulation in the news is one of the problems in Media today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Problems in the Media: Media bias

I haven’t seen the film but I thought at least the first couple of minutes of this clip is an interesting example of the problem of bias in the media. This clip from Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism covers Rupert Murdoch influence on media and fox news practices.

I just thought this trailer for Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism was funny. It’s pretty much a montage of ridiculous funny things happening on fox news.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Robert Fisk on America’s Changing Warriors Creed

I heard this on the radio the other night and thought it was really cool. Fisk takes this seemingly small thing that I’ve never heard of and uses it to highlight something very big. The Soldiers creed went from something that represented and promised moral integrity to something that commands unquestioned obedience.


Robert Fisk on the State of News Media

In this video Robert Fisk offers a very interesting viewpoint on the how the news media should function and how reporters should cover stories. I’ve never really thought about how the news can affect issues in very different ways depending on which side of the story gets most of the attention. I think this illustrates that point really well here.

Media and Media Literacy

Media to me is a medium of communication that allows a person or organization to communicate with an audience. I think media as a tool can be good or bad depending on the intention of the source producing the media and the ability of the audience to understand and evaluate the material being presented to them. The level of the audience’s ability understand and evaluate or be literate in terms of media, is essential to the relationship between media and its audience.